24 Jul
24 Jul
9:17 p.m.
Dear users, We are in the process of rearranging our server room and changing the way we do the nightly builds. One step of this will be retiring the bulky and ancient boxes which run Fedora 3, and standardizing on slightly more modern OSes. (Including Ubuntu-specific builds, as well as the usual Fedora/RedHat/CentOS base.) I know that some people have found that the Fedora 8 x86_64 build does *not* run properly on their systems, but the Fedora 3 build does. Could anyone who has firsthand experience with this please contact me off-list and tell me exactly which distribution and version you are running? We can't cover all possible combinations (sorry Gentoo users), but I'd like to get some idea what is still problematic. thanks, Nat