Hi Reza,
Second question first - not much (I can't detect any), assuming same scope
and mag (which is relieving for multiple reasons). However, I don't know
how close the pixel size I obtain by real space correlation with a crystal
structure is to the "true" pixel size, and whether it is wrong in any
systematic way.
Re the other questions, I have not compared rigorously (I only refined
against the map with the correct pixel size), but I undertook steps to
correct it when I noticed during initial building in Coot that known
(solved) domains were not quite fitting the density as well as expected. I
would expect some consequences from this, particularly in terms of clash
analysis and the use of reference restraints (not sure about electrostatics
Where it does make a big difference is in comparing structures of the same
or related proteins solved by different groups - if the pixel size varies
by even 1-2%, this really messes up structural superposition for large
structures (if the structure is 300Å, this could be a 6 Å difference in
size). In my experience many groups don't seem to do this - there are quite
a lot of recent maps in the EMDB in which the nominal pixel size has been
taken as correct, and calibration with a crystal structure shows that it is
a ways off (this also affects the estimated resolution, sometimes
On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Reza Khayat
Hi Oliver,
Out of curiosity:
1. what kind of R-factors and CC-values do you get when refining against the two different pixel size?
2. how different are your refined pixel sizes from one reconstruction to another?
3. how much of an affect does the wrong pixel size have on your downstream structure analysis (e.g. BDA, ASA, electrostatic...)?
Best wishes, Reza
Reza Khayat, PhD Assistant Professor City College of New York Department of Chemistry New York, NY 10031 ------------------------------ *From:* [email protected] < [email protected]> on behalf of Oliver Clarke < [email protected]> *Sent:* Monday, February 8, 2016 4:28 AM *To:* [email protected] *Subject:* [phenixbb] Refine pixel size of map (for EM data)?
I wonder whether it would be possible to add an option for phenix.real_space_refine to allow refinement of the pixel size of the map (or the unit cell dimensions - just an overall size scale factor), and write out the altered map at the end of refinement.
Although we try to calibrate this as best as we are able at the time of data collection, it is never perfect - for example, in one case I have dealt with, our nominal pixel size out of the scope is 1.19 Å, but the pixel size calibrated based on a crystal structure of a fragment of the protein is 1.25 Å. This is not a huge difference, but it is sufficient I think to have a substantial impact on refinement, particularly as regards clash assessment and H-bond/sec struc restraints.
In cases where one does not have a solved crystal structure to use for calibration, perhaps refining the pixel size in conjunction with the geometry might be of some use?
Cheers, Oli