Hello All- A paper from our group just came out in ActaD which I think fellow phenix users should find interesting. The paper details a new module we have available which uses our QM/MM-based Phenix plugin to correctly refine and determine tautomer/protomer, rotamer, flip state, and binding mode using X-ray data and refinement. The paper is available for free, Open Access on ActaD’s website: http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?S2059798316002837 If you would like to give it a try, please let me know. The software is available for free for pure non-profit academic research and for a reasonable fee for commercial/industrial efforts. For more information, please visit our product site: http://www.quantumbioinc.com/products/phenix_divcon Or fill out one of our on-line license agreements to gain access: http://www.quantumbioinc.com/products/software_licensing Thank you for your time and have a good weekend! -Lance ____________________ Lance M. Westerhoff, Ph.D. President and General Manager QuantumBio Inc. WWW: http://www.quantumbioinc.com Email: [email protected] Phone: 814-235-6908 Fax: 814-235-6909