First, I have a hopefully easy question. I can't seem to figure it out although feel like I should be able to. Is there a way to run a phenix.refine job in the background? I tried using the & like I usually do and it didn't work. It would be nice to start a job and go home without leaving myself logged into the computer. I didn't see anything in the documentation which makes me think I'm being dull. Second, a technical question. When phenix.refine does ordered solvent, does it use detwinned maps if you've put in the appropriate twin operator and indicated it was twinned? When I've tried running phenix.refine with my perfect twin, it doesn't seem to find waters like I can using the CNS twinned water picking script. Third, is it possible to run phenix.refine in parallel at all. My structure is annoying large and the parallelization of FFT in CNS seems to help speed things up abit. Thanks, Mary X. Fitzgerald Postdoctoral Associate Arnold Lab