
I 'm trying to install phenix 1.8.2-1309 on a Macbook Pro (os x 10.7.5).

First tried the binary installer proposed (which is indicated for os x 10.6.7)
It didn't work, ending with  "fix_mac_python: caught error - exiting."

I spotted in the bb that this could've happened because the downloaded installer was somehow corrupted, tried downloading it again, but same result.

Tried then the source installer: everything OK - except for wxPython, giving this error
Using wxOSX_Cocoa build of wxPython 2.9 alpha version

  building wxPython-src-
  ERROR: installation of wxosx_cocoa failed

  ERROR: installation of wxpython failed
...now I can work with command lines, but the GUI won't work of course.

Your help is appreciated


Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD 
Research Scientist 
Unit of Protein Crystallography 
Institut Pasteur de Montevideo 
Mataojo 2020 
Montevideo 11400 
Phone: +598 25220910 int. 120 
Fax:   +598 25224185 