Hi all, i'm currently trying to solve my structure with phenix and i tried to do it via AutoMR. At first everything works fine, it finds a MR solution, but then i get this error: Chain too short or poor match to sequence: MYIQVLGSAAGGGFPQWNCNCVNCKGYRDGTLKATARTQSSIALSDDGVHWILCNASPDIRAQLQAFAPMQPARALRDTGINAIVLLDSQIDHTTGLLSLREGCPHQVWCTDMVHQDLTTGFPLFNMLSHWNGGLQWNRIELEGSFVIDACPNLKFTPFPLRSAAPPYSPHRFDPHPGDNLGLMVEDTRTGGKLFYAPGLGQVDEKLLAMMHGADCLLVDGTLWEDDEMQRRGVGTRTGREMGHLAQNGPGGTLEVLDGFPRQRKVLIHINNTNPILDENSPERAEVLRRGVEVAFDGMSIELL NOTE: chain A (residues 1-304) MYIQVLGSAAGGGFPQWNCNCVNCKGYRDGTLKATARTQSSIALSDDGVHWILCNASPDIRAQLQAFAPMQPARALRDTGINAIVLLDSQIDHTTGLLSLREGCPHQVWCTDMVHQDLTTGFPLFNMLSHWNGGLQWNRIELEGSFVIDACPNLKFTPFPLRSAAPPYSPHRFDPHPGDNLGLMVEDTRTGGKLFYAPGLGQVDEKLLAMMHGADCLLVDGTLWEDDEMQRRGVGTRTGREMGHLAQNGPGGTLEVLDGFPRQRKVLIHINNTNPILDENSPERAEVLRRGVEVAFDGMSIELL did not match the input sequence... ignoring alignment and rebuilding segment without sequence information. *************************************** AutoBuild Input failed Sorry, the PDB file and sequence file could not be aligned (with no gaps and >50.0% identity) Please restart the wizard... You have several possibilities to try .... You can set rebuild_in_place=No You can set input_sequence_file=None You can set min_seq_identity_percent to a lower value You can set highest_resno to a higher value You can specify start_chains_list if your PDB file sequence starts with a residue number greater than the number of residues in the sequence. what can i do now? the pdb file has nearly the same sequence (2 mutations) but he says that he can't align them, i use a .dat file for this is this correct? i also have a fasta line in it >... but it doesn't work without this line either. i tried with different phenix versions and have always the same problem Any suggestions would be appreciated.