Dear phenix users/developers Some time ago there were several modifications on the names/specifications of important parameters/options (such as miller_array for structure factor files, etc) Running phenix.refine by command lines (no gui) is my favorite, and I am now running into several difficulties: 1- what’s the difference between miller_array and default_miller_array; or model and default_model? 2- what’s the precise definition of phil_files and default_phil? What to change if I manually edit my .eff? 3- how should I use the new automatically created .def file for subsequent refinement cycles after I’ve manually rebuilt (I need to point to the new pdb input file: I usually screw this up, can’t seem to use the newly created .def as my starting instructions file anymore, it complains that I have problems in the right definition of the input pdb, or too many models...) 4- I often fall into a loop where by default newly created .eff files include a dry_run=true option (e.g. when I deliberately tell phenix.refine to overwrite previous .eff files) Thanks a lot for clarifying on these issues: and sorry, for I couldn’t find obvious answers to them in the documentation (probably my fault!!) Also, I am using phenix v 1.21.1-5286 (on a Sonoma MacOS laptop) With best wishes Alejandro