Hi Sangeeta,

I'm sorry for the problem with phenix.auto_sharpen!  Can you possibly try these things that may help figure out the problem:

From the command line, type this:


This should tell you your version of phenix, and it will also show that phenix is present in this terminal window.
Now type:

    phenix_regression.list auto_sharpen

This will then list a command that you can run on your computer to test auto_sharpen.  On mine it looks like:

libtbx.python "/net/anaconda/raid1/terwill/misc/PHENIX/modules/phenix_regression/segment_and_split_map/tst_auto_sharpen.py"

Copy and paste whatever is printed there and make sure that it runs and ends with "OK".  In particular, one of the tests will be:

   "Testing auto_sharpen with model and remove_aniso"

This will be testing your problem case.

Let me know (off-list) if this test fails and I will try to help you debug the problem.

All the best,
Tom T

On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 1:28 AM sangeeta niranjan <sangeeta.19apr@gmail.com> wrote:
I am trying to use Auto Sharpen feature of a CyoEM refined map into Phenix but the job is getting failed every time with the following error:
Missing the model file:
followed with model file name and location.

Although it was working before but now it's showing the same error for all the auto sharpen runs including Models/PDBs.

Thank you
Sangeeta Niranjan
Ph.D. Student, Lab of structural Biology
Lab-6 NB
National Centre for cell Science
Ganeshkhind, Pune, India

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Thomas C Terwilliger
Laboratory Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Senior Scientist, New Mexico Consortium
100 Entrada Dr, Los Alamos, NM 87544
Tel: 505-431-0010