Dear all, iNEXT, a European program to support access to research infrastructures for Structural Biology, is now welcoming applications for the “EM and X-ray bundles", to help people carry a project all the way from the starting sample to the initial structure determination, by EM or X-rays. To apply for either bundle you need exciting translational research projects, for which you have the macromolecule or complex you want to study in purified soluble form, and you want to engage in structural studies. In a short application form (less than one thousand words overall), you will need to describe the background of the project in your lab and current results, the general scientific background, and the value for translational research (short term but also long term value in any short of biomedical or biotechnological application). No prior experience on either method is required. For the EM bundle, projects will start with an initial characterisation for optimal stability conditions, molecular weight in solution, and negative stain EM (if you send enough sample, we can also try to crystallise it if you wish - just in case!). At this stage you will only need to send the sample to us. Projects that look most promising after that first step, will proceed to optimising the cryo-conditions in one of the iNEXT EM facilities, with your participation. Finally, projects that do best in cryo-optimisation, will proceed to collect data in one of the high-end microscopes available to iNEXT. For the X-ray bundle, projects will start with an initial characterisation for optimal stability conditions, molecular weight in solution, and crystallisation trials. Projects that either yield crystals, or promising precipitates, will proceed to extensive crystallisation trials. For all projects that will yield crystals diffraction data will be collected in one of the fully automated X-ray facilities that collaborate in iNEXT. You will only need to send the sample to us and in most cases physical presence will not be required. It should be emphasised, that no re-application will be needed at any step and iNEXT will cover all experimental expenses, and contribute to travel costs, when needed. There is a single deadline on Friday 20th April 2018. You can Submit a Proposal by clicking herehttps://www.structuralbiology.eu/submit-proposal/?t=inext or go to the iNEXT web site: http://www.inext-eu.org and follow the “Submit Proposal” link. Please note, that given the iNEXT resources availability, this is likely the only call for these “bundle” access. These will serve as pilots for likely requesting future funding from the EU, if such an opportunity becomes available. We note that researchers from all EU and associated countries can apply, but also international labs are eligible, albeit in a more limited capacity. Please forward this email beyond this bulletin list, especially to colleagues that might be less familiar with structural biology. Consider asking this colleague of yous that wanted to do a structural biology project and you never had time or the resources to try hers or his exciting idea! Preliminary results from this bundle access, or a structure, can be the basis for your next grant application! Please also keep in mind that iNEXT remains open to all kinds of Structural Audit, Enhanced Support, and High-End data collection, for projects that involve X-ray Crystallography, SAXS, solution and solid state NMR, EM single particles, EM tomography or CLEM, biophysics for looking at macromolecular interactions, advanced light imaging, and ligand and fragment screening! All these access modalities are listed on our web site! Best regards and looking forward receiving your project, The iNEXT coordination and management team and all iNEXT partners