On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:18 PM, Ed Pozharski <epozh001@umaryland.edu> wrote:
I have always used denzo/scalepack, and then scalepack2mtz to
convert .sca file to .mtz file.  So my data is always processed
according to French&Wilson.

Now from what you are saying I understand that there is some possibility
to get into using non-truncated data with phenix?  And not only that, it
seems to be the default?

FYI, AutoSol, AutoMR, and Phaser all accept scalepack files as input (or d*TREK or XDS, I think), and generate MTZ files as output, so if a user jumps directly from HKL2000 to Phenix, it would be very easy to skip the French&Wilson step.  The need to run an extra conversion step in a different suite is not going to be obvious to grad students (and many if not most postdocs).

We've discussed implementing the French&Wilson protocol in CCTBX, but I don't know how much work that is (since I still don't know what it actually does after reading this entire discussion).
