On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Dima Klenchin <klenchin@wisc.edu> wrote:
Now that Phenix has a nice GUI and all that, will there ever be a Windows version?

Short answer: probably better than 50% odds of this happening, but we don't have a timeline for it.  Since Python and wxPython are cross-platform and we have some support for Windows anyway, once Ralf drives a stake through the heart of FORTRAN it will be much easier, but Windows has so little in common with Mac and Linux that it will still require a substantial amount of effort to create something complete and bug-free (and automated - this is the really hard part).  I'd estimate at least several months' work between Ralf and me, and we both have many other more urgent items on our to-do lists.

4. If I just run phenix.refine executable from its directory, it stops with en error:
 File "c:\cci_apps_sources\mmtbx\secondary_structure.py", line 941, in run_ksdssp_direct
   raise RuntimeError, "KSDSSP not available"
RuntimeError: KSDSSP not available

This is my fault.  I'd recommend using the latest nightly build (the ones I released are relatively stable).
