Hi Kostya, how complete the data set is? Missing reflections in some resolution zones between 2.64A and inf may be sufficient to make the effective resolution lower or much lower than 2.64A which would explain why the map does not look like what you expect. Pavel On 10/4/16 23:47, Kogan, Konstantin wrote:
Dear all,
I have highly anisotropic data. I was able to solve the structure by MR, and refine it with phenix.refine to Rwork/Rfree=0.28/0.31 with Resolution cutoff 2.64Å and mean B values 114, which is pretty high for such resolution. Though the overall structure makes sense, the maps are quite featureless, no water molecules, and side-chains refinement is a problem. I have tested how the data is anisotropic with Diffraction Anisotropy Server https://services.mbi.ucla.edu/anisoscale/ (see attached image), which shows clearly, that we don't really have data to 2.64Å in all directions. Though, there are other servers/programs that can deal specifically with anisotropic data e.g. STARANISO anisotropy server http://staraniso.globalphasing.org/cgi-bin/staraniso.cgi and then refine with BUSTER, I would like to know if it's possible still to use Phenix with some more advance parameters to actually address the issue of anisotropy and to get maximum out of the data. The space group is P61 2 2, cell parameters are 73, 73, 453, 90, 90, 120 and I have high multiplicity data, but no NCS.
Thanks in advance for any input,