I am sorry. By mistake I attached a png file of ~416kb to show the PHENIX GUI error. Please disregard that mail.
A general reminder: messages sent to the list are capped at 40kB, and anything exceeding that is held for moderator approval. This is mainly due to very small disk quotas still in effect at some institutions - we occasionally see server errors when a subscriber's account has been deactivated because he/she is over quota. The side benefit is that it helps prevent accidentally sending private data such as reflection files to the list, which also happens occasionally. There are some situations where large attachments may be appropriate (screenshots of weird structure features, for instance), and I usually approve those postings, but please try to keep file size to a minimum. (And don't attach anything you wouldn't want one of your competitors to see.) (PS. A screenshot is rarely sufficient to tell me what's breaking in the GUI - in this particular case, most of the error message was cut off. I received the automatic bug report, however.) -Nat -------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]