
Thanks for the quick reply. Now I get this error. 

chem171-152-dhcp:RBD_rebuild_xtalclear_SG76 francisreyes$ phenix.autobuild after_autosolPHENIX VERSION:  1.3  of  26-05-2008

               PHENIX autobuild  Fri Jun 27 13:44:38 2008

               The PHENIX developers include:

P.D. Adams, P. Afonine, K. Gopal, R.W. Grosse-Kunstleve, L.-W. Hung,
T.R. Ioerger, A.J. McCoy, N.W. Moriarty, R.K. Pai, R.J. Read, T.D. Romo,
J.C. Sacchettini, N.K. Sauter, L.C. Storoni, T.C. Terwilliger, P.H. Zwart

               If you use PHENIX please cite:

Adams, P.D., Grosse-Kunstleve, R.W., Hung, L.-W., Ioerger, T.R., McCoy, A.J.,
Moriarty, N.W., Read, R.J., Sacchettini, J.C., Sauter, N.K., Terwilliger, T.C.
(2002).  PHENIX: building new software for automated crystallographic structure
determination.  Acta Cryst. D58, 1948-1954.


Starting AutoBuild with the command:

phenix.autobuild after_autosol=True 

Sending output to  AutoBuild_run_4_/AutoBuild_run_4_1.log 

No matching array: scaling.input.xray_data.obs_labels=ScalAveragedSG_76_30_PHX

Possible choices:

Please use scaling.input.xray_data.obs_labels
to specify an unambiguous substring of the target label.

Failed to carry out AutoBuild_set_up_build:


On Jun 27, 2008, at 1:11 PM, Tom Terwilliger wrote:

Hi Francis,

Thanks!  I think the problem is here in your cif_def_file_list parameter file:

   anomalous_scatterers {
     group {
       selection = "name I"
       f_prime = -0.5783
       f_double_prime = 6.8299

where you are specifying the name I for anomalous scatterers...which seems perfectly reasonable, but....

unlike what you might expect, the anomalously-scattering atoms are not added to the PDB file created by AutoSol, so the I atom is not present during refinement and you get the error you show.

In AutoBuild, this should be added automatically, and if not, you can add it with

So yes, just go on to AutoBuild.  The build in AutoSol is really just to see if everything is working ok...not to do a real build. The default now is to use "helices_strands_only" so that this build goes very fast.
I hope that helps!
-Tom T

On Jun 27, 2008, at 12:20 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:

Starting AutoSol with the command:

phenix.autosol data=ScalAveragedSG_76_30.ref  
seq_file=seq_from_pdb.dat   \
refine_eff_file_list=./refinement/non_default.eff sites=2  
atom_type=I   \
f_prime=-0.582314 f_double_prime=6.84299 res_phase=3.4  
resolution_build=3.0   \
resolution=3.0 wavelength=1.5418 ha_sites_file=./ha_sites.pdb

Sending output to  AutoSol_run_7_/AutoSol_run_7_1.log

Failed to carry out AutoSol_build:

Refinement failed...perhaps something wrong with input refinement file
or data file or the column labels for them?
Error message from phenix.refine:
Empty atom selection:"name I"

Cuts out in the first round of refinement (after initial Build_1.pdb) .

I guess I should not have specified anomalous scatterers (at least to  

Does it refine anomalous automagically in the autobuild when doing a  
SAD via autosol?

How do I recover from this error?  (continue with the autobuild  
without anomalous scattering it now seems).


Francis Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder

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Francis Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder

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