Dear All, I am running Phenix version 1.6.4.-486 on imac. I just wanted to refine (phenix.refine) a model with MLHL target and experimental phase information. Strange thing is when I load the mtz file, as written out from Phenix Autosol (overall_best_denmod_map_coeffs.mtz) into the GUI, the Phenix refine GUI does not seem to any phase information. Only picks up FP and SIGFP labels; but not the Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients, which are present. The following message comes up when I try to chose mlhl refinement: " You have selected 'mlhl' as the refinement target, but no experimental phases were supplied. If you wish to use phase restraints in refinement, please add or select experimental phases, or choose another target function". I guess it is not such a major problem as I can save the .eff file and manually edit it to include the HL coefficients and then run Phenix (as long as Phenix then recognizes them from the mtz file). I would also like to refine f' and f'', as the data are from a selenomethionine derivatized protein. From what I can see the default in Phenix.Autosol seems to be not to keep the F+/- and Dano labels for the output mtz file? So I suppose I do need to provide the initial mtz file or is there a way to change the output options for the coefficients in Phenix Autosol? Cheers, Florian ----------------------------------------------------------- Florian Schmitzberger Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Harvard Medical School 250 Longwood Avenue, SGM 130 Boston, MA 02115, US Tel: 001 617 432 5602