On Dec 12, 2012, at 1:46 AM, Ed Pozharski
On Tue, 2012-12-11 at 11:27 -0500, Douglas Theobald wrote:
What is the evidence, if any, that the exptl sigmas are actually negligible compared to fit beta (is it alluded to in Lunin 2002)? Is there somewhere in phenix output I can verify this myself?
Essentially, equation 4 in Lunin (2002) is the same as equation 14 in Murshudov (1997) or equation 1 in Cowtan (2005) or 12-79 in Rupp (2010). The difference is that instead of combination of sigf^2 and sigma_wc you have a single parameter, beta. One can do that assuming that sigf<
From the log file: |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |R-free likelihood based estimates for figures of merit, absolute phase error,| |and distribution parameters alpha and beta (Acta Cryst. (1995). A51, 880-887)| | | | Bin Resolution No. Refl. FOM Phase Scale Alpha Beta | | # range work test error factor | | 1: 44.4859 - 3.0705 14086 154 0.93 12.12 1.00 0.98 118346.13| | 2: 3.0705 - 2.4372 13777 149 0.91 15.26 1.00 0.99 58331.77| | 3: 2.4372 - 2.1291 13644 148 0.94 11.42 1.00 0.99 23216.31| it appears that phenix estimates alpha and beta from the R-free set rather than from the working set (I might be misreading that). Is that correct?