Dear all I have a structure at 1.4 A currently with an Rfactor of 21/26 %. I notice from the plot by cycle that everytime the RMS bonds/angles reduce, the Rfactor increases a few percent. Is there any way of telling phenix.refine to not 'restrain' the model too much? I have already used automatic weighting. Also, RINGER identified a few alternate conformations, so I'm thinking that modeling this might account for a better model. However, as I have an NCS of 4, this can be tedious to do by hand, and AFAIK, phenix.refine does not create new conformations. Is there an alternative? Final question, some residues were flagged as having high B factors but not in all the copies. How do I deal with this? Some background: I initially had problems with refinement being stuck at 30-35 % in SG P 3 2 1 (as suggested by Pointless and Xtriage). However, the beamline scientist suggested that there could've been lattice translocation and that it is actually P 3. Reintegrating seems to have solved the problem. With integrated data up to 1.2 A, I tried cut-off at 1.4, 1.3 and 1.2 A. Together with CC1/2 and refinement results, I chose 1.4 A, but should I cut it a bit lower? Thanks.