Dear all, This is not a directly related Phenix topic but the meeting may be of interest to Phenix users. Please note that the announcement also appeared on the CCP4 bulletin board with some incorrect spellings of names. I apologize to those concerned - my fault completely with travel, a high resolution laptop screen, and discovering I now need glasses to read at that resolution all to blame. The 3rd Annual Biological Applications of X-ray Free Electron Lasers (BioXFEL) meeting will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from Jan 13th to 15th 2016. The conference is supported as part of the National Science Foundations BioXFEL Science and Technology Center, a consortium of eight US institutions headed by Ed Lattman and John Spence. The conference will focus on new and developing methods and biological results from biological XFEL research. The last day will cover hybridized developments capturing the growing interplay between XFEL and synchrotron sources. Confirmed speakers include Henry Chapman, Vadim Cherezov, Guillermo Calero, Marco Cammarata, Bob Fischetti, Helen Ginn, Heinz Graafsma, Abbas Ourmazd, Ilme Schlichting, Joerg Standfuss, and Rachel Woldeyes. Many others along with the preliminary agenda are to be announced shortly. The meeting will include education opportunities for post-doctoral and graduate students and an education and diversity talk by Cathy Drennan. A poster session will be held and a selection of abstracts submitted will be selected to be presented orally. The previous meeting of the series attracted over 150 international attendees with the talks, schedule, and environment stimulating much discussion and resulting in new collaborations. A diverse mixture of investigators from academic, industry and national laboratories will be present along with post-doctoral and graduate students. Anyone with an interest in this rapidly moving field is invited to attend. The registration fee is $300 (or $200 for students) with registration and details at https://www.bioxfel.org/events/details/64. Poster abstracts (with a preference for giving a talk if selected) should follow the format described on the webpage and be submitted by email to [email protected]. While the registration deadline is November 15th, the poster deadline is later, December 15th. However, talks will be selected from posters submitted from now until the registration deadline, until the presentation slots are filled. If you know of others who may not read the CCP4 board, please pass this information along. Come join us for a scientifically stimulating conference in a productive setting. Sincerely, Edward Snell and George Phillips (BioXFEL 2016 chairs) Edward Snell Ph.D. CEO Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute Assistant Prof. Department of Structural Biology, SUNY Buffalo 700 Ellicott Street, Buffalo, NY 14203-1102 Phone: (716) 898 8631 Fax: (716) 898 8660 Skype: eddie.snell Email: [email protected] Heisenberg was probably here!