I am forwarding this information to you on behalf of Marc.  Best regards, Gloria
The Commission on aperiodic Crystals is organizing a

two days satellite meeting just after  the IUCr Congress in Madrid:

'Aperiodic Crystals for Beginners', in Alcala de Henares, 31 August-1st September 2011.

This school will present in a simple way the methods used for the structural analysis of Aperiodic Crystals
, namely incommensurately modulated phases, incommensurate composites crystals and quasicrystals.
It is intended for beginners in the field and will alternate step by step lectures and tutorials.

You will find more information in the attached leaflet or on the web site


   Best regards

Marc de Boissieu


    Marc de Boissieu

  Sciences de l'Ingéniérie, des Matériaux et des Procédés (SIMaP)
  Grenoble INP, CNRS, UJF
  1130 rue de la piscine
  BP 75
  38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex (France)

  Tel   33 (0)4 76 82 67 03
  Fax  33 (0)4 76 82 66 44
