Hi Pavel, These are excellent tools for students and the working crystallographer; no need to apologize to sending to BB. For the 1st time I understood value of automation in refinement. But, its still a work in progress, good for everyone these days, and perhaps puts forward an ideal situation, bit different from what some of us encounter in real life. What would be great in future would be examples and discussions about how/when to go anisotropic at resolutions where this is clearly warranted but not for the the whole chain, (e.g. we have current structures @ 1.6 Å which still have loops with almost no density) so advice on how to define boundaries for isotropic and anisotropic refinement in single chain would be great. It was also interesting to see in your PDF that building still plays a key role in structure solution; its obvious to anyone solving structures that manual intervention is still needed here. Definition for refinement of residues and solvent with coupled ACs still requires a lot of manual intervention after building and automation before refinement would be a real help! Thanks again for all your contributions. Mark Mayer