Hi, I am working on solving a protein structure using phenix.automr. There is likely four monomers in a ASU based on phenix.xtriage.I am using a search model with 30% identity with my protein. After finding three monomers in a ASU, the LLG is 1740 and R factor is 56%. After finding the fourth monomer, the LLG increased to 2080,but the R factor also increased to 58%. I have several question here: 1) how much should LLG and R factor be if the model from molecular replacement is correct? I guess the answer might not be a exact number. But I am still wondering what should be the correct range. 2) Whether R factor and LLG should always be positively correlated? I used phenix.refine to refine the model with 3 monomers and the model with 4 monomers in a ASU. The Rwork and Rfree are similar for these two models,47% and 53% respectively. I think that one more monomer should either improve or ruin the model.I don't quite understand why one extra monomer doesn't matter too much here. In addition, do you think it is worthy to keep doing model building and refinement in consideration such high R factors. All you suggestions and opinions will be greatly appreciated! Yuan