Dear All, I am using phenix.autobuild .eff file to build a structure (version 1.6.1). For the input I have a pdb model file with 6 chains; a sequence file which contains residues of a single chain (the sequence file has a few more residues at N-terminal than the pdb model file); an mtz amplitude file; I also specified ncs_copies=6 (I know there are 6 copies in the au). What confuses me is the output pdb file only has one chain (huge Rwork&Rfree, >0.5). Should there be 6 chains? The other issue is that the output chain has fewer residues than my sequence file (both N&C-terminal). It also has fewer residues compared with the pdb model file. Is this because I do not have enough resolution to resolve those missing residues? Thanks in advance. Jason U Pitt