Dear All, Sorry for spamming. Thanking to the criticism and advices from a number of recent testers (in particular, Mark van Raaij, Oleg Sobolev, Pavel Afonine), we produced an updated version (version 2.3) of the program EFRESOL to calculate the effective and optical resolutions and the anisotropy ratio for a data set of an arbitrary completeness, as it was recently discussed in the ccp4bb. The new version seems to be stable over various computers and systems. A few 'bugs' have been also fixed. This version can be free taken from : http://www-ibmc.u-strasbg.fr/arn/Site_UPR9002/efresol/Efresol.html http://www-ibmc.u-strasbg.fr/arn/Site_UPR9002/Sites.html We used the same occasion to update the program FOBSCOM (Urzhumtseva & Urzhumtsev, J.Appl.Cryst., 2011) which allows one to visualize a diffraction data set and to numerically characterize the regions of missed reflections. The new version can be free downloaded from http://www-ibmc.u-strasbg.fr/arn/Site_UPR9002/fobscom/Fobscom.html With best wishes, Sacha Urzhumtsev (IGBMC, Strasbourg ; Universite de Lorraine, Nancy)