Hello, I'm using phenix.refine for the first time and have some problem to get it reach reasonable rmsd bonds (0.012-0.015) and angles (1.5-1.8). I set the bonds rmsd_max and angles rmsd_max to these values and try different values for: wxc_scale (from default 0.5 downto 0.015), wxu_scale (from default 1 down to 0.03), wc (from default 1 up to 8), with and without optimising wxc wxu. Whatever the parameters, phenix never reached final rmsd better than 0.022 and 2.2. I refine the structure with refmac so far, but need to refine the occupancies (so phenix). Am I doing something wrong? Should I just use phenix to refine only the occupancy (I am actually doing it)? Any help or comment are welcome. Some information: space group: P21, 2 molecules (180 aa) / au, 510 waters, about 20% alternate conformations, ligand covalently link to the protein (correct dictionary and link parameters for refmac or phenix -add link to cif), resolution: 1.32, refine xyz for all, Baniso for all (refmac), ncs not used, R 13.6 Rfree 17.7 fom 0.913 rmsd 0.012 1.56 (last refmac) phenix version 1.6 289 (gui) Best regards, Lionel