Trey What version of PHENIX do you have? I would recommend using a SMILES string as input to eLBOW if possible. In the latest version you can use phenix.elbow --chemical-components FMN to run the SMILES string for FMN from the PDB Chemical Components database. It even uses the correct atom names. In older versions you can get SMILES string from the MSDChem website. For FMN its Cc1cc2c(cc1C)N(C3=NC(=O)NC(=O)C3=N2)CC(C(C(COP(=O)(O)O)O)O)O Cheers Nigel On 8/20/2008 11:54 AM, Feldman III, George Franklin wrote:
Hi all,
I am having difficulties with my ligand. My ligand is an FMN (flavin mononucleotide) and its pdb file was originally created using PRODRG. I used the DRGFIN.PDB output file to run elbow (phenix.elbow DRGFIN.PDB --opt). The output contains hydrogens, which as we all know do not work well with coot. So when I try to place my ligand in its correct position and save the coordinates in coot, I get an error of duplicated atom labels when trying to merge the molecule to the ligand using phenix.refine. I tried using the command "phenix.elbow DRGFIN.PDB --opt --write-hydrogens=False" but phenix told me that last command doesnt exist (although its posted on the web page). Manually changing the atom names will affect both the connectivity and the cif file (I think), so it is an option I would rather avoid. Is there a way around all of this?
Best Regards, George (Trey) Feldman
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-- Nigel W. Moriarty Building 64R0246B, Physical Biosciences Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA 94720-8235 Phone : 510-486-5709 Fax : 510-486-5909 Email : [email protected] Web : CCI.LBL.gov