Hi Claudia, You seem to have these operators: (x ,y,z) ( x-34/68, -y+13/79, -z +20/90) [ a 2 fold screw axis along a] ( -x +75/68, -y-26/79, z+9/90) [stumped] (-x+38/69, y-38/79, -z+24/90) [ two fold screw along b ] (x+9/69, y-28/79, z-46/90) [pseudo translational symmetry] (-x+57/69, y+10/79, -z+63/90) [stumped] (-x + 86/69 , -y + 6/79 , z - 48/90) [ two fold screw along c ] (x-53/69, -y-36/79, -z + 61/90 ) [stumped] Are you sure that it is not P212121 with a pseudo tranlstaional symmetry or two fold NCS parallel to one of the screws? In any case, P1 is bad news, because phenix.refine cannot handle more then two twin domains. I suggest going to all flavours of P2 ( P112x, P12x1, P2x11) if you are absolutely sure about the sg not being p222 or so. Did you run xtriage? Cheers Peter