Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce our sixth edition of the Workshop:

Macromolecular Crystallography School "From data processing to structure refinement and beyond", to be held at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (Uruguay).

This Workshop will cover all aspects of the macromolecular structure determination process using X ray crystallography: starting from data processing, through phasing and refinement to structure completion and analysis. Integrative methods are also being included. In particular, this year an introduction to  cryo-electron microscopy has been added to the program.

Dates: November 13 - 23, 2017

Confirmed speakers and tutors:

Alejandro Buschiazzo, Montevideo, Uruguay
Grzegorz Chojnowski, Hamburg, Germany
Paul Emsley, Cambridge, UK
Richard Garrat, São Carlos, Brazil
James Holton, San Francisco/Berkeley/Palo Alto, USA
Ronan Keegan, Oxford, UK
Eugene Krissinel, Oxford, UK
Andrey Lebedev, Oxford, UK
Andrew Leslie, Cambridge, UK
Garib Murshudov, Cambridge, UK
Colin Palmer, Oxford, UK
James Parkhurst, Oxford, UK
Randy Read, Cambridge, UK
Clemens Vonrhein, Cambridge, UK

Please find the program of the Workshop, the application form and further contact information, at

This Workshop is supported by the Collaborative Computational Project Nº4 (CCP4, UK) & Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK); the Centro de Biologia Estructural del Mercosur (CeBEM); the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr); and the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo.

Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD. Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay
Ronan Keegan, PhD. CCP4, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom
Richard Garratt, PhD. Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos, USP, Brazil

24 students will be selected, aiming at advanced PhD, postdocs and young researchers. The Course will provide financial support covering registration fees, and for the case of those students coming from abroad, all local expenses (lodging, per diem and local transportation). Look in the www site for details on application procedures.

The application deadline is September 17, 2017.

Please address further inquiries to: [email protected]

Looking forward to welcoming you in Montevideo!

Felipe Trajtenberg, PhD
Laboratory of Molecular & Structural Microbiology
Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Mataojo 2020
Montevideo 11400
Phone: +598 25220910 int. 143
Fax:  +598 25224185