It will almost certainly be the header not being in the right format. I will change the parser to be a more tolerant one, as sculptor does not need the database records stored on the header anyway. As a workaround, just change the extension to .ali, which will have the same effect. BW, Gabor On Nov 19 2010, Nathaniel Echols wrote:
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Bryan Lepore
wrote: trouble with alignment format. tried this :
fubar.fas : Sorry: Unknown file(s): fubar.fas
fubar.fasta : Sorry: Wrong alignment format: fubar.fasta
i compared to one that worked yesterday and its not obvious : first sequence is the target, the pdb sequence is in there (somewhere), i changed a ">sp" to ">gi"....
The extension ".fas" is not recognized, but ".fasta" should be. My experience with the FASTA parser (for simple sequences, at least) is that it's extremely strict about what is an acceptable format, but that most of the programs/servers that generate/distribute these files are much looser. Could you send me the file (off-list, of course) for debugging?