Dear Xun,

such kind of questions (if I understood you well) has been addressed recently in our article in Acta Cryst (2014) D70, 2593-2606 with the tools available through phenix (otherwise, I have a stand-alone python program, in a testing stage; let me know if you wish it).

Best regards,

Sacha Urzhumtsev


De : [email protected] <[email protected]> de la part de Xun Lu <[email protected]>
Envoyé : jeudi 4 février 2016 16:39
À : [email protected]
Objet : [phenixbb] scaling in Fo-Fo maps
Hello everyone,

I have a question on how the scaling is done when generating Fo-Fo maps in Phenix. 

So I want to compare three datasets (of the same protein of course): A,B,C.   I generated three maps:  A-B, A-C, B-C, and I can see the differences.   But I also want to compare the peaks in the three maps, so I want to make sure the maps are generated using the same scaling.  


p.s. Any other ideas to compare three datasets?