Dear PHENIX users, I wonder what is the 'correct' way of (re)defining geometric restraints among atoms. Here's what I need to do : I have several cations that are chelated by protein residues; some of them involve residues from the same monomer, yet others involve atoms from both the ASU monomer as well as crystal neighbors (i.e. symmetry mates). I see that in the .geo file, these parameters are taken into account as nonbonded simple and nonbonded asu respectively ... how can I change the ideal distances to get proper Zn+2 coordination bonds for both kind of partners? Thank you in advance for your help! -- Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD Research Scientist Laboratory of Protein Crystallography Pasteur Institute of Montevideo Mataojo 2020 Montevideo 11400 URUGUAY Phone: +5982 5220910 int. 120 Fax: +5982 5224185