Something we've been using recently in our own work is to average the density, cut it out, and then use the density as a model to look for additional copies. This works pretty well, so we will be making it easier to do within Phenix, but at the moment it's not trivial. I'm just en route to a holiday, so I won't be able to help for a couple of weeks, but if you'd like some help trying that option, get in touch with me (preferably off-list) in the second week of August. All the best, Randy On Jul 22 2010, vandana wrote:
i have one 3.27 A data of one of my protein. it is a multidomain protein . i used molecular repacement (phaser ) to find individual domains i got density for 3 domains. with last 4th domain i am getting solution with 5 clashes and density is nort clear for that . so i used phenix find helix and strands module i got 43 fragments model . now i dont know how to proceed further how i can start fitting. suggest me for further step .