Dear Jack_______________________________________________Thank you very much for your message!!I see that the way you worked around the problem, was to have a detailed, “fully argumented” command, for each and every cycle, actually avoiding the use of the .def file that a n-th round of refinement generates (file that is supposedly useful as initial script for the n+1-th round, just by updating the desired input pdb model).In any case, it does the trick (in my case having to add several more arguments that I personally need)(still don’t quite get what the default phil and model are intended for, nor the phil_files: I see you just indicate “None” for all those, which I will do)Thanks againAlejandro--
Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD
Associate Professor
Laboratory of Molecular & Structural Microbiology
Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Mataojo 2020
Montevideo 11400
Phone: +598 25220910 ext. 120
Fax: +598 25224185 30 Jul 2024, at 2:52 PM, Tanner, John <> wrote:Hi Alejandro,I had the same issues with command line batch refinement. The script below works with the new syntax. Replace PREFIX, SERIAL, MTZFILE, and MODEL.PDB with your file names. Of course, change the SG, restraint files, and tls definitions to match your system. You may also want to change the refinement strategy, as the one below is not the default. For the default files in the .eff or .def files, use None as follows:default_model = Nonephil_files = Nonedefault_phil = None
---------------------------begin \output.prefix=PREFIX \output.serial=SERIAL \MTZFILE \,SIGF \MODEL.PDB \/titan/tanner/elbow/FAD/elbow.FAD_ideal_pdb.004.cif \/titan/tanner/elbow/NAD/NAD.cif \/titan/tanner/elbow/FAD/FDA4.cif \refinement.crystal_symmetry.space_group="P 1 21 1" \refine.strategy=tls+individual_sites+individual_sites_real_space+individual_adp+rigid_body \refine.adp.tls="chain A and peptide" \refine.adp.tls="chain B and peptide" \refine.sites.rigid_body="chain A" \refine.sites.rigid_body="chain B" \main.simulated_annealing=False \main.ordered_solvent=False \ordered_solvent.secondary_map_and_map_cc_filter.poor_cc_threshold=0.75 \ordered_solvent.h_bond_min_mac=2.4 \ordered_solvent.h_bond_min_sol=2.4 \main.number_of_macro_cycles=3 \output.write_model_cif_file=False \output.write_geo_file=False------------------end Regards,Jack Tanner-----------------------John J. TannerProfessor of Biochemistry and ChemistryDepartment of BiochemistryUniversity of Missouri
117 Schweitzer Hall503 S College Avenue
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-884-1280Lab: Schlundt Annex rooms 3,6,9, 203B, 203COffice: Schlundt Annex 203A
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