1) I have trouble
getting a molecular replacement job to run (Phenix Version
1.7.3-928), where I want to keep one ensemble fixed in its
known orientation, only looking for a second ensemble. I
keep on getting the following error message, both from the
GUI and from command line (using a 'mymr.eff' parameter
AutoMR Input failed
Python argument types in
SOLU.addSOLU_6DIM_ENSE(InputMR_AUTO, str, list, bool,
list, float, bool, bool, bool)
did not match C++ signature:
addSOLU_6DIM_ENSE(phaser::SOLU {lvalue}, std::string,
scitbx::vec3<double>, bool,
scitbx::vec3<double>, double, bool, bool, bool, bool,
scitbx::vec3<double>, double)
*************ERROR ENDING *******************
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions?
This is definitely a bug. Two suggestions: a) try the
Phaser-MR GUI instead, it may not have this problem, or b)
update to the latest nightly build and see if it's fixed
there. I will see if we can add a regression test for
specifying a fixed ensemble.
> 2) Which parameters would I need to specify to let
phenix.autobuild build a model for one protein of a
2-component complex from scratch, while keeping the other
component unchanged (and using it to calculate the phases)? Is
that possible?
I think you need to define the existing component as
ligands, as described here:
I suspect this means that you'll need to supply an initial
map for phases, rather than having it calculate them from the
"ligands", but I've never actually tried this myself.