Hello Fulvio,

this is because now it happens by default if real-space refinement is enabled (which is also the default).
Do you have a specific reason to believe that this does not work as it should?


On 5/27/14, 1:53 PM, Fulvio Saccoccia wrote:
Dear phenix users and developers,
in the past I usually used the fix_rotamers=true options to fix some residue issues. Now, this option is lacking (I currently use the dev-1702 version of phenix)  but I was wondering if some other option does replace it. In addition, I would like to know better how real_space_refinement works; is there any tutorial or presentation about it?

Thanks in advance

Fulvio Saccoccia, PhD
Dept. of Biochemical Sciences
Sapienza University of Rome
00185, Rome (Italy)
Phone: +39 06 4991 0556

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