I have a problem which was communicated some time ago, but I do not know if it was solved I ssh -X (or -Y) from one Mac to another Mac and trying to activate any of phenix gui's I get: [xray5:phenix.app/Contents/Resources] felixfrolow% phenix2 This program needs access to the screen. Please run with 'pythonw', not 'python', and only when you are logged in on the main display of your Mac. it seems that not very many people have such problem as web is almost empty when is searched for solution Dr Felix Frolow Professor of Structural Biology and Biotechnology Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology Tel Aviv University 69978, Israel Acta Crystallographica D, co-editor e-mail: [email protected] Tel: ++972 3640 8723 Fax: ++972 3640 9407 Cellular: ++972 547 459 608 On Jul 1, 2009, at 5:43 PM, Thomas C. Terwilliger wrote:
Hi Phil,
I can try and answer...
The "old" phenix gui, started up with "phenix" does give some error message on starting and running, but it should run ok.
The "new" phenix gui, started up with "phenix2" or commands like "phenix.refine --gui", should not give significant error messages on starting up.
I would think that by sourcing the "phenix_env" for one version or another you should be able to have any number of phenix versions installed and they should not interfere in any way...
Al the best, Tom T
I've just installed the Linux 64-bit version 1.4-105 on a CentOS5 machine, and I get a lot of errors in starting up the GUI. What am I missing?
Also is it possible to install both the 32-bit & 64-bit versions together: I know it works for the executables in build/intel- linux-2.6 build/intel-linux-2.6-x86_64, but does that mess up the gui? It's OK on the command line
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