Are you running refinement to cause the separation? If so, you can try the
intra_chain=True option in later version to link the two residues. If that
fails send me the files directly.
NB. Any files sent to me will be held in strictest confidence.
On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Dmitry Rodionov
Click Real space refine zone. Then click on your previous residue, then click on the newly added residue.
HTH, Dmitry
On 2013-08-20, at 2:53 PM, Heather L Condurso wrote:
Dear all,
I have been trying to add a residue to my model in coot for hours now. The add terminal residue function adds a residue far from the end of my chain and I've tried moving it manually and it keeps going back and it never makes a bond between the two amino acids. Is there a trick in coot or a better way to do this in phenix?
Thanks, Heather Condurso UF-Department of Chemistry _______________________________________________ phenixbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/phenixbb
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-- Nigel W. Moriarty Building 64R0246B, Physical Biosciences Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA 94720-8235 Phone : 510-486-5709 Email : [email protected] Fax : 510-486-5909 Web : CCI.LBL.gov