Hi Pavel,
Sorry that i didn't state clearly. When I say 97 to 99%, they are the
numbers for different resolution shells.
I read from the truncate output file that many reflections are
rejected because,
( having EITHER Iobs .LT. -3.7*SDobs OR Iobs .LT.
(SDobs)**2/MeanI - 4.0*SDobs )
this might be the reason completeness drops.
Quoting Pavel Afonine
Hi Fengyun,
I have trouble understanding the statement "The output from SCALA give the completeness of about 97 to 99%". Overall completeness is just one number. Completeness in bins is a bunch of numbers, which are completeness per resolution bin. Completeness may be in range (eg. from d_min to d_max) or from d_min to inf. Sometimes they may be very different numbers.
Anyway, when it comes to refinement, phenix.refine log file reports initial reflection statistics somewhere at the very beginning of log file: this is what actually in your input reflection file. Later on phenix.refine may (or may not) remove a few reflections as outliers, which is also reported in the log file. I guess same information is obvious in the GUI as well.
So what exactly is your question?
On 7/6/12 9:24 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Hi all,
I have one question on completeness. The output from SCALA give the completeness of about 97 to 99%, but after TRUNCATE, the completeness becomes only 90%. I tried to refine my model against intensity or amplitude. They show different completeness too. I guess some reflections are deleted during the truncation, but i could not see the corresponding information in the log file. Does anybody have any experience on what cause the difference in completeness?
Thanks in advance! Fengyun
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