Dear Phenix users. I am trying to refine N-linked glycans in phenix. The Asn-NAG link appears to be recognize by the program, but the NAG-NAG link is not. I guess the cif_link must be missing. Monomer Library directory: "/home/soft/phenix/phenix-1.4-3/ext_ref_files/mon_lib" Total number of atoms: 8947 apply_cif_link: data_link: NAG-ASN mod_id_1: DEL-O1 mod_id_2: DEL-HD22 residue_selection_1: chain N and resname NAG and resid 5161 residue_selection_2: chain E and resname ASN and resid 516 apply_cif_link: data_link: NAG-NAG-B-D Sorry: Missing CIF link: data_link_NAG-NAG-B-D Please check for spelling errors or specify the file name with the link as an additional argument. How can I get the required cif_link file and where to place it?? Any suggestion. Thanks. Jose