Hi all, I have some difficulties refining (what happens is an error status, i.e. no refinement taking place) of a coordinate file that contains Cadmium ions. The person here who has already refined a structure containing Cd ions using Phenix is not here at the moment (otherwise I would have asked him). In case you wonder: the CD is shifted 1 position to the left as is required for metal ions in a PDB. Phenix choked. So I ran ReadySet on the input pdb file and gave the output file to Phenix for the next attempt. Still failed, and the error message I get is: Fatal problems interpreting PDB file: Number of atoms with unknown nonbonded energy type symbols: 2 Please edit the PDB file to resolve the problem and/or supply a Cif file with matching restraints definitions, along with apply_cif_modification and apply_cif_link parameter definitions if necessary. Also note that phenix_ready_set and phenix.elbow are available for creating restraints definitions (CIF files). Running phenix.elbow (phenix.elbow input_file.pdb --do-all) does not seem to do anything - no output file seems to be generated. Hence I am quite at loss here. Ready Set (from the gui) generated a file called name_of_the_coordinate_file.metal.edits , which is used by phenix for the next attempt but which does not seem to solve the problem. Thanks for any advice, Fred.