Dear all, I should perhaps offer sincere apologies for posting the crystallography boards with NMR news ;-). However, I will not do that, as I sincerely hope you will see that in an era of integration of structural methods, such opportunities can offer the chance for excellent and exciting scientific endeavours. iNEXT (http://www.inext-eu.org http://www.inext-eu.org/) is committed to bring structural methods closer to non-experts, by funding access to world class infrastructures for Structural Biology. Major tools for achieving that goal are the so-called Extended Support modalities. We are happy to announce the start for acess to the iNEXT Enhanced Support modality for NMR (NMR assignment, structure, dynamics). In this mode, the NMR groups in Florence, Frankfurt and Utrecht are involved in guiding and training NMR novices. This iNEXT access modality also targets "new users with backgrounds other than Structural Biology”, so please feel free to forward that also to your biochemistry friends. Facility personnel will be involved to guide assignments, titrations, structure calculations, relaxation analyses, etc. I also want to bring your attention to a few more iNEXT news: - The Structural Audit, now allows multiple samples in a related project to be submitted in a single application for stability assessment and crystallisation screening; a basic analysis by SAXS, EM, or NMR is also supported (single click in application!) if an appropriate sample is available. - The Enhanced Support modality "From macromolecular sample to X-ray data collection” is now better integrated with Structural Audit; applications can be combined, so in case of a successful Audit, you could rapidly proceed to further X-ray experiments (crystal optimisation, SAXS and/or crystallography) - The Enhanced Support modality "Advanced light imaging” to support structural studies with in cells measurement of protein interaction kinetics, have also been made recently available. - The Enhanced Support modality "Cryo-EM sample optimisation” for hands-on assistance in optimizing a sample for single particle EM is a great chance to move your sample towards cryo-EM! - The Enhanced Support modality "Macromolecular interactions” is your chance for access to a Biophysics facility with various instruments and hands-on support for performing and analysing experiments to quantify a variety of interactions. - All the High-End modalities (X-rays, NMR, cryo-EM) are always open for access! So, please, submit your proposal now! https://www.structuralbiology.eu/update/submit-proposal?t=inext … and keep in mind that a limited amount of the funding (~10%) can go towards projects that are not in an EU-country or associated country. On behalf of the iNEXT Management, Best wishes, Tassos Anastassis (Tassos) Perrakis, Principal Investigator / Staff Member Department of Biochemistry (B8) Netherlands Cancer Institute, Dept. B8, 1066 CX Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel: +31 20 512 1951 Fax: +31 20 512 1954 Mobile / SMS: +31 6 28 597791