
Lets talk off-line.  Can you send me the input that you send to eLBOW? 

You do need to have GAMESS installed and then you need to do a small bit of scripting by changing the GAMESS.csh file.  I can help with that.


On 7/3/09 5:27 PM, Dirk wrote:

thanks for the suggestions I tried to run it overnight, but without any 
result. I also tried to use GAMESS, but even so the GAMESS run is 
started I still get the message "GAMESS doesn't seem to be installed" 
and "mv: Aufruf von stat für „elbow.drgfin_pdb.012.gamess.gam“ nicht 
möglich: No such file or directory" even so the file exists. Since I'm 
not experienced in python I wasn't able to find the reason for that by 
inspecting the GAMESSMixins.py script.
I would like to try the forcefield approach, but don't know if there is 
any freeware available for that purpose - I would be glad about 
suggestions .
For the moment I "solved" the problem by manually editing the cif file 
using values from the refmac monomer and link libraries for the 
restraints. I still would be really interested in getting elbow to work 
to get better restraints for this ligand and to avoid the time consuming 
manual creation of cif files in the future.

Thank you again for the replies


Schubert, Carsten [PRDUS] schrieb:
What I do in these cases is a MM minimization of the ligand using a high
quality forcefield and using that output as input into elbow and not
perform an optimization, but have it generate the restraints directly
from the input. The differences between the forcefield and the AM1
calculation in elbow are negligible for protein crystallography
purposes. I would not waste time on o.n. runs. 



-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:phenixbb-
[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nigel W Moriarty
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 7:26 PM
To: PHENIX user mailing list
Subject: Re: [phenixbb] Duration of a phenix.elbow run


That is quite a large molecule but it shouldn't take a few hours.  I'm
not sure what is happening but I'd guess that a convergence is failing
and the upper limit on the number of steps is too great.  If I was
I'd run it overnight and if that fails run it in another quantum
to get the geometry you desire.  A different run MAY generate a
different starting geometry for the --opt option and that may work
better.  Each step of the optimisation should take less than 2

On 7/1/09 2:43 PM, Dirk wrote:

I'm trying to create restraints for a carbohydrate ligand using
phenix.elbow. If I run it without the --opt command everything works
fine, but I'm not completely happy with the geometry of my ligand
refinement. I tried to get an optimized cif by using --opt command,
the program just runs up to the following output:

MoleculeClass :  H:38  C:23  N: 1  O:19 (PDB format)
        81 atoms
        83 bonds
        151 angles
        238 dihedrals
Time      Energy        delta E    RMS         Max      Step size

and then nothing happens for several hours. Does the optimization
such a long time and if I let it run overnight (or perhaps longer) I
will get an output or is something going wrong?
The input is a pdb (I tested several) and I tried both the stable
release (1.3) and the current version (1.4).

Any help would be very appreciated



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Nigel W. Moriarty
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Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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Phone : 510-486-5709
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Email : [email protected]
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Nigel W. Moriarty
Building 64R0246B, Physical Biosciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720-8235
Phone : 510-486-5709
Fax   : 510-486-5909
Email : [email protected]
Web   : CCI.LBL.gov