Hi Bryan,
I'm sorry for the trouble!  

AutoBuild is running phenix.refine and asking it to write out "refine_pdb_in.mtz".  After phenix.refine is done, it looks for this file and if it is missing it will stop.

There are two possibilities. Can you check if the file is really missing or not:

ls -ltr AutoBuild_run_2_/TEMP0/refine_pdb_in.mtz

1. AutoBuild_run_2_/TEMP0/refine_pdb_in.mtz really is missing:  This means that something has gone wrong that is not anticipated. Can you in this case send me the data to run here?  If not, have a look at the last set of files written in AutoBuild_run_2_/TEMP0/ ... do these log files help in any way?

2.  AutoBuild_run_2_/TEMP0/refine_pdb_in.mtz is not missing, it was just written after the check for its presence was over.  This can happen if you are on an nfs file system and it is slow.  I have just finished adding code to AutoBuild to wait for files to appear to get around this problem...so if you try tomorrow's build it is possible this will be fixed. You may need to change the parameter "max_wait_time" to a longer time (default=0.1 sec).

Let me know if this doesn't do it!
All the best,
Tom T

On Aug 13, 2010, at 12:46 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello all,

I am trying to use phenix.autobuild from the command line to generate either composite omit maps or prime and switch maps. In either case, when I try, the program starts to run for a while before failing and giving me the following error message:

"Failed to carry out AutoBuild_build_cycle:

Sorry...the file AutoBuild_run_2_/TEMP0/refine_pdb_in.mtz is missing..."

I'm not sure why that would be the case, or where that mtz is supposed to come from. Can anyone explain what might be the problem?



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