On Feb 10, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Roberto Steiner wrote:
I am playing around with phenix.refine which comes with Phenix distro 1.6-289 for Mac-Intel. When running a normal refinement job (ind site + grouped ADPs + ncs+TorsionSimulatedAnnealing) phenix.refine gets stuck after bulk solvent modelling and scaling.
This sounds like a problem with phenix.refine, not the GUI. One possible issue that I discovered yesterday is that there are certain errors that can't be propagated to the GUI - the job crashes, but the GUI still thinks that it's running. These are typically very low-level errors; this is basically impossible to debug without having the data (and it may be system-dependent as well; what platform are you running it on?). The only thing I can suggest in this case is to try running the same refinement on the command line - it may at least print an interpretable error message.
Additionally, if I click on the abort button on the bottom-left of the page nothing happens. On the other hand if I click on the abort icon at the top of the page I get the message "You are not currently running any calculations. Do you want to close this window?" If I say Ok the following message appears: "There is at least one process running; are you sure you want to exit before it is finished"
Part of this is probably a bug. Because of the way processes are handled in 1.6, the abort request won't be carried out if the process is simple non-responsive. What does it say on the status bar (the strip at the bottom of the window), and is the little color-cycle widget at the bottom of the right still animated? If the process is still running, it will say so. ------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]