Hi Nat,
1) Make the 'mac-intel-osx-x86_64' platform dependent on the 64-bit kernel, so everyone who needs the 64-bit build has to change kernel version or 2) Keep the current behavior, and people running Snow Leopard on first-generation Intel Macs will need to use the 32-bit binary installer.
Neither is ideal; the latter has additional problems for SBGrid, due to the way we 'alias' the architecture when the 32-bit installer is used. Ben, did you decide what to do about CNS?
For the time being, we're just checking for 32-bit only CPUs and then forcing them to use an older version of CNS. I tried building a 32-bit CNS and lipo'ing the 32 and 64-bit binaries into a two-way fat binary, but the default CNS optimizations seem to cause the 32-bit version to blow up. This might also be due to me using the latest version of the Intel compiler. You should be able to use the hw.optional.x86_64 sysctl to tweak the phenix_env scripts to allow for a dual branch 32/64 bit installation in the same directory, but it seems like you're not yet recommending the 64-bit PHENIX on OS X Intel for general consumption. You could also do something hackish like default to 32-bit but read $1 on the "source phenix_env" command line to enable the 64-bit version. Between the wxPython issues and the fact that about 1/3rd of our OS X users are still on 10.5, unless I get a specific request for the 64-bit version, I probably will not install it just yet. (That's the cue for emails from the SBGrid users requesting a 64-bit installation... :-) -ben -- | Ben Eisenbraun | SBGrid Consortium | http://sbgrid.org | | Harvard Medical School | http://hms.harvard.edu |