Have you checked that AFITT works on your end?

Does afitt.run_tests work?

BTW, you put the wrong address in your GUI generated error so we couldn't respond earlier.



Nigel W. Moriarty
Building 33R0349, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720-8235
Phone : 510-486-5709     Email : NWMoriarty@LBL.gov
Fax   : 510-486-5909      Web  : CCI.LBL.gov

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 2:41 PM Muhammad Bashir Khan <mbk@ualberta.ca> wrote:
Hello all

Could somebody explain how I can generate a cif. file of ligand for AFITT. I am using afitt in phenix refinement using the ligand cif. file generated by the elbow. But it complains. I have two different types of ligands in the structure.



Muhammad Bashir Khan, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Department of Biochemistry
Medical Science Bldg.
Lab 3-27
University of Alberta
Edmonton AB, T6G 2H7

Phone: 780-492-4577-
e-mail: mbk@ualberta.ca
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