Hi, this may not be a new problem, but I tried every stretagy that I know from bb, but the geometry is still very bad. So I wish I can get some help from here.
Crystal information:
SAD data. Resolution 3.0. There is no anisotropy in the data.
R/Rfree : 22.7/26.8 (Rfree-flag is always from the Refine_data.mtz file generated after the first refinement.)
RMS(angles): 1.453
Ramachandran outliers: 3.0%
Ramachandran favored: 91.2%
Rotamer outliers: 18.7% !!
Clashscore: 31.84
overall score: 3.47
I tried different strategies, like autobuild and then refine; set wxu/wxc=0.3/0.3; turn on "Ramachandran restrains", "fix bad sidechain romaters"etc, however the paramters are still very bad, especially the rotamer outliers. Then I rebuild them manually in coot,after refinement the parameters are even worse.
p.s. phenix version: phenix-1.7.3-dev-1046.
Thank you very much!