Hi, I just installed the latest phenix version (long overdue), and it burps with the following when I try to run the GUI. Looks like an absolute path was left lying around, no? Cheers phx ---------------------------------------------------- Running the PHENIX GUI with /usr/local/phenix/1.3b/phenix-1.3b/build/intel-linux-2.4/base/bin/python PHENIX distribution located in /usr/local/phenix/1.3b/phenix-1.3b/phenix Shell variable SSH_PATH not set Variable PYMOL_PATH set to /usr/local/phenix/1.3b/phenix-1.3b/pymol Shell variable RSH_PATH not set (python:31886): Pango-WARNING **: No builtin or dynamically loaded modules were found. Pango will not work correctly. This probably means there was an error in the creation of: '/net/ribbon/scratch1/phenix/phenix-1.3b/build/intel-linux-2.4/base/etc/pango/pango.modules' You should create this file by running pango-querymodules. (python:31886): Pango-WARNING **: pango_shape called with bad font, expect ugly output (python:31886): Pango-WARNING **: pango_font_get_glyph_extents called with null font argument, expect ugly output (python:31886): Pango-WARNING **: pango_font_get_metrics called with null font argument, expect ugly output (python:31886): Pango-WARNING **: _pango_cairo_font_install called with bad font, expect ugly output ----------------------------------------------------