Hi all, I am working with a protein-ligand complex structure. The data was indexed with XDS and mtz file is generated using Phenix---Reflection tools---Reflection file editor. The space group used was P222. Then, I used the Phenix---Molecular replacement to find a solution (try all possible in same pointgroup), and the MR solution was in space group P212121. And then, I reindexed the data in XDS using space group P212121 and then generate the mtz file in space group P212121. So, I have two mtz file, in space group P212121 and P222. When I refine the MR solution with the different mtz files, the map generated is not same for the ligand. The statisitcs is better with P222 mtz file than P212121 mtz file. I am wondering why the density for the ligand and the statistics is different using mtz file in different space groups and which mtz file should I use to get the final structure model. Thank you so much! Best, Wei