I am currently trying to setup MR_Rosetta but I am running into some trouble. When I run the tutorial for Defensin HNP-3 from the GUI I always get an error during the ... process (see image at this
dropbox link). I know that my path for phenix and rosetta are correct since I can run the phenix_regression.wizards.test_command_line_rosetta_quick and phenix_regression.wizards.test_command_line_rosetta_quick test_rosetta_rebuild. If I try to trace down the error, I can only get the same info that I got from the GUI error message (vide supra).
As additional info, here are somme details of my setup:
MacBookPro 4,1 running OS 10.6.8
Core2Duo 2.5 Ghz
6 Gb RAM
Rosetta 3.2 compiled with flags bin mode=release
Phenix 1.8.1-1168
And my input settings for the GUI run (
Now, this might just be confusing but there was one command line test that my setup failed: phenix_regression.wizards.test_command_line_rosetta test_mr_rosetta
The error is kinda cryptic (see dropbox
copy of the error) but it seem to be a discrepancy in the scoring results not a missing program or any other kind of misconfiguration. Of course, I might be wrong.
Any advice?
Best regards.
Lenin Dom�nguez-Ram�rez
"And for all the current and rather silly emphasis on structural
biology,understanding enzymes means understanding catalysis and
catalysis is concerned with kinetics, not structure: as Jeremy
Knowles aptly remarked, studying the photograph of a racehorse cannot
tell you how fast it can run."
Cornish-Bowden, 1995