AutoSol (phenix 1.8.1-1168) stops at the build stage with the following message: *** ERROR MESSAGE: The cell appears to have changed during the run Original cell: [49.22, 91.325, 103.285, 113.16, 97.64000000000001, 76.74] New cell : [49.173301696777344, 92.32479858398438, 103.37100219726562, 66.54070281982422, 82.29070281982422, 76.58550262451172] If running from a script, please specify the space group in the input file. The incorrect space group may be coming from another wizard... *** Can you please advice as to what might be wrong? I am running AutoSol from the GUI and it did pick up the space group from the mtz file. What AutoSol refers to as the 'new cell' is actually my original cell. I was running two AutoSol jobs simultaneously from two mtz files with the same cell dimensions, and they both failed with the same message. Thanks, Luca Luca Pellegrini Department of Biochemistry University of Cambridge 80 Tennis Court Road Cambridge CB2 1GA - UK Email: [email protected] Tel: 0044-1223-760469 Fax: 0044-1223-766002 Sanger building, room 3.59